"When looking at a field of dandelions, you can either see one hundred weeds, or one hundred wishes!"

Body Mechanics

Posture is the relationship of the body parts to one another and the body's base of support. When the line of gravity is within the base of support, stability will be present. Any impairment to posture is an abnormality that can affect function. 

Ideal posture is the position in which the center of gravity is centered over the base of support, which provides muscular and skeletal balance, while also minimizing the risk of injury or deformities that might progress. This proper posture allows muscles and organs to function optimally while requiring minimal energy expenditure to maintain an alignment that is balanced. This can be of crucial importance when lifting may occur, or simply in activities of daily living.

An intervention that might teach proper body mechanics could include using a broom handle to become aware of the proper body mechanics associated with lifting, while another could be using postural adjustment strategies such as stepping, suspensory, hip, and ankle. Some simple tasks to remind clients of proper body mechanics could be reminders of creating a stable base that does not twist at the torso when lifting, to use to the legs when lifting, and to have their feet shoulder-width apart to maintain that steady base.


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