"When looking at a field of dandelions, you can either see one hundred weeds, or one hundred wishes!"

TedTalk: A test for Parkinson's with a phone call

I chose this TedTalk because the title just so happened to catch my eye. I thought it was very intriguing that a phone call could be associated with Parkinson's Disease, much less be an actual assessment tool used in context with the disease.

Description of Material:

Parkinson's disease is one that is difficult to diagnose because of various reasons, including expensive diagnostic tests, as well as symptoms that may be suggestive of several neurological diseases. In about six minutes, the speaker had me convinced that we might be looking in the wrong places for a definite diagnosis of the disease. With 99% accuracy, voice based-tests are the next assessments to be implemented by the Parkinson's Voice Initiative.

How I furthered my learning:

I furthered my learning by hearing about how a cheaper, effective diagnostic tool could be put into place to diagnose people with Parkinson's disease. I will say that I was a tad bit disappointed after the video because I truly don't understand why this idea hasn't already been implemented if it is as beneficial as the TedTalk made it seem.

Reflection of learning/application in relation to course content:

In lecture, we learned that Parkinson's disease was difficult to diagnose. This video did correlate with those findings, but it also suggested the contrary. While most diagnostic tools are expensive, Max Little spoke about how a diagnostic test run through telephone technology could change that! I had no idea that vocal cords could be so suggestive of PD, and that they could be so accurate. This video made me think right to adaptive technology and how things that were just a figure of imagination could be the norm by the time that I am an established practitioner!

Recommendation for others to watch material:

I highly recommend someone watching this video. It was not the longest, but it got straight to the point. I thought it was very informative, and incorporated something that was relatable to people in daily life.

A Test for Parkinson's with a phone call

Little, M. (2012, June). Max Little: A Test for Parkinson's with a phone call [Video file]. Retrieved from  https://www.ted.com/talks/max_little_a_test_for_parkinson_s_with_a_phone_call#t-126148

Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/max_little_a_test_for_parkinson_s_with_a_phone_call#t-126148


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